[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.22 on Thu 2017.07.06: announcement

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jul 5 00:45:23 CEST 2017

Dear all,

apologies for not noticing a time issue earlier, but according to our 
last minutes [A], we had intended to meet an hour later than in recent 

< quote [A] >
== next meeting ==
FrankLoebe: [agreement] Jul 6, 2017, an hour later than this time
FrankLoebe: i.e. new time: 09:30 EDT / 15:30 CEST
</ quote >

Personally, I had planned with that time earlier and now have the issue 
of a dentist's appointment starting at 13:30 CEST, which should take ca. 
one hour. If we stick to the time now announced, I'd probably run 15-20 
minutes late (if everything works well at the dentist.)

Here are the options again:

(1) according to latest announcement
     05:30 PDT / 08:30 EDT / 13:30 BST / 14:30 CEST
                 09:30 BRT /             14:30 SAST

(2) according to last meeting minutes (n.21 of Jun 09, 2017 [A])
     06:30 PDT / 09:30 EDT / 14:30 BST / 15:30 CEST
                 10:30 BRT /             15:30 SAST

   --> Shall we stick to (1) or to (2)?

Personally, I'd prefer (2) over (1), but that's just my view. If no one 
else has any issues with the time announced, I'll try my best to join then.

I'm sorry to have detected the/my conflict only now.

Best regards,

[A] file TranscriptEduTCmeeting21dd08062017.rtf
     attached to

------ Original Message ------
From:    Maria Keet <mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za>
Sent:    2017.07.04 13:52 +0200
To:      IAOA Education Committee <iaoa-education at ovgu.de>
Subject: [iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.22 on Thu 
2017.07.06: announcement

> Dear all,
> The next Education Committee meeting is scheduled as follows:
>     --> Meeting n.22                 Thu, July 06, 2017
>         05:30 PDT / 08:30 EDT / 13:30 BST / 14:30 CEST
>         09:30 BRT / 14:30 SAST               (cf. [1])
>     Skype:https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
>     Chat :http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20170706
> Please find an agenda proposal below and suggest further items that you
> would like to discuss.
> Best regards,
> Maria
> [1] local meeting date and time(s)
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=EduTC&iso=20170608T1430&p1=56&am=45
> = 22st Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - July 06, 2017 =
> == participants ==
> expecting:
>    MK  Maria Keet
>    FL  Frank Loebe
>    SL  Sandra Lovrencic
>    TS  Todd Schneider
>    AW  Andrea Westerinen
>    ZW  Zena Wood
> regrets: < none >
> long-term unavailability: < none >
> == agenda ==
>    0. adoption of agenda
>    1. update on FOIS and ISAO 2018
>       a. dates
>       b. proposals for PC and general chairs
>       c. lecturers proposing lectures
>    2. wiki maintenance
>       a. term/definition updates
>          1: formatting           [FL]
>          2: contents
>       b. textbook updates
>       c. other updates?
>    3. pub quiz @ wiki: status [ZW,MK]
>       a. quiz draft in Wordpress [ZW]
>    4. AOB
>    5. next meeting(s)
>       a. A break for August?
> == long-term agenda ==
> A. ontology textbook effort  [-> separate specific meetings]
>      * report at EduC meeting once in a while
> B. Ontology Competition      [suspended]
> C. contact [ontolog-forum] hinting at definitions in the termlist,
>     reminding of connection to discussion of types of ontologies [1]
> [1]https://groups.google.com/d/topic/ontolog-forum/PgKc7rIjGrU/discussion
> == resources ==
> * Education Committee Wiki
> http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

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