[iaoa-education] Education Committee paragraph for newsletter

Todd Schneider tjschneider at covad.net
Thu Jan 26 18:28:31 CET 2017


Some suggested minor tweaks in bold (below).

+1.703.655.8826 (mobile)

In addition to development of the technical programme of ISAO 2016, the 
Education Committee has continued to develop their Wiki 
(http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/) with information about courses around the 
world, books and other resources including a growing list of terms *with 
definitions (in different contexts)*. The committee’s mission statement 
as also been updated and can be found at 
http://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php. Future plans for 
the committee *include  creation* of a textbook, the development of an 
ontology competition *and updating   Wiki content*. We would ask IAOA 
members to let us know if they *will* help with the addition of terms 
and definitions to the Wiki. If you would like to join the Committee, be 
added to their mailing list, or assist with the terms *or their 
(possible)* definitions, please contact Maria Keet (mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za 
<mailto:mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za>) or Zena Wood (Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk) 
<mailto:Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk%29>.

On 1/26/17 5:44 AM, Zena Wood wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am really sorry for the delay in this. I have put together the 
> following paragraph based on the information that Maria put together 
> for the FOIS AGM. Given that it is a newsletter I have kept it short. 
> Micheal has already put together a paragraph on ISAO 2016. Please can 
> anyone let me know if they have any edits/additions that they would 
> like to make by the end of today? I am sorry for the short turn around.
> ———
> In addition to development of the technical programme of ISAO 2016, 
> the Education Committee has continued to develop their Wiki 
> (http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/) with information about courses around 
> the world, books and other resources including a growing list of 
> terms. The committee’s mission statement as also been updated and can 
> be found at http://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php. 
> Future plans for the committee include the creation of a textbook, the 
> development of an ontology competition and the updating of the Wiki 
> content. We would ask IAOA members to let us know if they could help 
> with the addition of terms and definitions to the Wiki. If you would 
> like to join the Committee, be added to their mailing list, or assist 
> with the terms and definitions, please contact Maria Keet 
> (mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za <mailto:mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za>) or Zena Wood 
> (Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk) <mailto:Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk%29>.
> ----
> Zena
> University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, 
> registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal 
> Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.
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