[iaoa-education] IAOA Edu TC: Meeting 16

Zena Wood Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk
Wed Jan 11 11:43:42 CET 2017

Dear all,

This is a reminder that the first Education Committee meeting of 2017 will take place today. Details of how to join the call can be found below.

   --> Meeting n.16                Wed, Jan 11, 2017
       06:30 PST / 09:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET
       12:30 BRST / 16:30 SAST             (cf. [1])
    !! NOTE: 30 min earlier than regular so far !!

   Skype:  https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat :  http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20170111

An agenda can be found below.

Best regards,


== agenda ==

    0. adoption of agenda

    1. update on ISAO 2018

    2. Applied Ontology Terminology
       a. term list advertised at iaoa.org                       [FL]
       c. term/definition updates [AH, all]

    3. pub quiz @ wiki: status [ZW,MK]

    4. misc.
       a. ISAO 2016 website zip file received?                   [MK]
       b. other wiki updates?
       c. contribution of the EduTC to the IAOA newsletter 2016/2017 [ZW/MK]

    5. AOB

    6. next meeting(s)
       a. Wed, Feb 01, 2017
       b. Wed, March 1, 2017

 == long-term agenda ==

   A. ontology textbook effort  [-> separate specific meetings]
      * report at EduC meeting once in a while

   B. Ontology Competition      [suspended]

University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.
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