[iaoa-education] draft education TC report on activities etc. for IAOA assembly

Maria Keet mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za
Mon Jun 27 12:52:34 CEST 2016

Dear All,

In the light of the IAOA assembly next week (see below), I quickly made 
a short (<1 page) progress report, which lists activities, outputs, and 
plans (that were discussed at some point or other).
1) Am I forgetting something, or that I omitted you but think is 
sufficient to be added?
2) Do you want to add something more to the plans?
(or rephrase something to make it look cooler or more impressive)


Dr. C. Maria Keet
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa
tel: +27 21 650 2667
fax: +27 21 650 3551
email:mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[iaoa-member] Second IAOA Assembly
Date: 	Thu, 23 Jun 2016 11:16:08 -0400
From: 	Michael Gruninger <gruninger at mie.utoronto.ca>
Reply-To: 	[IAOA-member] <iaoa-member at ovgu.de>
To: 	iaoa-member at ovgu.de

Dear IAOA members, The second 2016 IAOA Assembly will occur in Annecy, 
France at FOIS 2016. In preparation for the meeting, we are inviting 
members to submit any possible items for discussion and inclusion in the 
Agenda for the Assembly at FOIS on July 5. Please post any suggestions 
for Agenda items to iaoa-member by June 27. Michael Gruninger President, 

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