[iaoa-education] Transcript from Education Committee meeting n.09

Zena Wood Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk
Wed Jun 1 17:13:11 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Please find below the unedited version of the session transcript of
the Education Committee meeting n.09, held on Wed, Jun 01, 2016.

In particular, note that we have considered shifting the July meeting
from its regular date of July 6 to July 13, 2016, because July 6 is the
workshop day at FOIS 2016.

Moreover, we haven't clarified whether another meeting is required on
Jun 8 (due to almost no prior notice to today's meeting). If you are
interested in a meeting on Wed, Jun 8, please state that.


= 9th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on Education - Jun 01, 2016 =

== call details (summary) ==

* Date:        Wed 2016.06.01
* Start Time:  07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
                11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST  (cf. [A] for local times)

* Duration:    ~1.5 Hours

* Dial-in with PIN: 843758#             (cf. instructions at [B])
   ** Skype:          join.conference
   ** or, Phone (US): +1 (425) 440-5100 or +1 (315) 401-3279

* in-session chat:

[1] ISAO 2016 - Speakers, Courses, and Events

[2] Education Committee Wiki

-- unedited chat transcript --

[16:00] ZenaWood: > = 9th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on
Education - Jun 01, 2016 =
 > == Agenda ==
 >    0. Adoption of agenda
 >  ! 1. ISAO 2016
 >       a. updates on program [1]
 >       b. updates on Ontology Quiz
 >       c. wrap-up of preparation, open issues
 >  ? 2. Education Committee Wiki [2]
 >       a. addition of definitions
 >    3. AOB
 >       a. item for next meeting: future projects?
 >    4. Next meeting
 >       a. Jul 6 vs 13, 2016
 > == Long-term Agenda ==
 >   A. Ontology Competition 2016
 >      * [action] [MK] describe ideas on the competition
 >       ** noted on Mar 02, 2016, originally for ISAO by May 2016
 >       ** no deadline set wrt an independent competition
 > [1] ISAO 2016 - Speakers, Courses, and Events
 >     http://isao2016.inf.unibz.it/?page_id=137
 > [2] Education Committee Wiki
 >     http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

[16:04] FrankLoebe: http://isao2016.inf.unibz.it/?page_id=137

[16:04] ZenaWood: [FL] Updates on ISAO from EC meeting: Roberta is on
the website but does not seem to be on the timetable. ZW will follow up
on this

[16:05] ZenaWood: [FL] What about the Ontology quiz?

[16:05] ZenaWood: ZW will follow up on this with Maria

[16:07] ZenaWood: Send out another call to the Education committee for
Ontology quiz questions. Action ZW

[16:08] ZenaWood: ZW to check on who is giving posters

[16:09] ZenaWood: Participants should declare if they plan to have a
poster before the event

[16:10] ZenaWood: they will need to be told what space they have (i.e.,
what size are the poster boards)

[16:12] ZenaWood: 30-40 registrations so far for ISAO.

[16:13] ZenaWood: 2. Education Committee Wiki [2]
 >       a. addition of definitions

[16:13] ZenaWood: Still need to update the wiki list

[16:13] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] send out an announcement of the idea
that each updates the wiki with 1 definition prior to each meeting

[16:14] ZenaWood: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/

[16:14] ZenaWood: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.TermList

[16:17] ZenaWood: It would be useful to have a list of updates that have
been made to the terms

[16:18] ZenaWood: It would be good to see which terms have not been
defined (e.g., add an *)

[16:20] ZenaWood: After we have some terms we may wish to consider
whether the wiki is the best place to discuss and agree on the terms
(e.g., Stackexchange could be a possibility).

[16:20] ZenaWood: 3. AOB
 >       a. item for next meeting: future projects?

[16:21] ZenaWood: For next meeting, July 13th would be better given FOIS

[16:22] FrankLoebe: +1

[16:23] ZenaWood: Next meeting topics: what are the next projects now
the school has been completed, how did ISAO go (future advice and
Education Committee responsibilities)

[16:24] ZenaWood: Should promote the Education Committee at FOIS 2016
and ISAO.

[16:24] ZenaWood: Can the Wiki be included in the introductory talk of ISAO?

[16:25] ZenaWood: For ISAO, is there a welcome address? Need to clarify
on programme

[16:28] ZenaWood: ZW to confirm welcome address and if there are any
activities scheduled for the Sunday evening

[16:29] ZenaWood: Date of next meeting: July 13th

[16:30] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] ask Sandra Lovrencic for participation
(given that her unavailability period ends)

[16:30] FrankLoebe: < session ends >

[16:31] FrankLoebe: participants: Zena, Frank
< transcript ends >?


Dr. Zena Wood
Senior Lecturer in Spatial Informatics
Greenwich GIScience Group (g3)
University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.
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