[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting on Wed 2016.06.01: announcement [apologies for the very short notice]

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jun 1 10:50:45 CEST 2016

Dear Education Committee members,

I apologize that any prior announcement has been lacking so far - the 
next regular IAOA Education Committee call will take place _today_:

   --> Meeting n.09                 Wed, Jun 01, 2016
       07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
       11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST              (cf. [A])

   Skype:  join.conference           PIN: 843758#
   Chat :  http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20160601

If you cannot join due to the extremely short notice of the meeting, but 
you would join on Jun 8, please let us know. We will then consider 
shifting the meeting or having an additional meeting. I am truly sorry 
for not having prepared an announcement earlier.

Please find an agenda proposal below. Slightly more instructions on how 
to join the conference call can be found at the end of an earlier 
announcement [B].

If you have any comments or questions regarding the agenda or the 
meeting in general, please use the mailing list or contact Maria and 
Zena directly.

Best regards,

= 9th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on Education - Jun 01, 2016 =

== Agenda ==

    0. Adoption of agenda

  ! 1. ISAO 2016
       a. updates on program [1]
       b. updates on Ontology Quiz
       c. wrap-up of preparation, open issues

  ? 2. Education Committee Wiki [2]
       a. addition of definitions

    3. AOB
       a. item for next meeting: future projects?

    4. Next meeting
       a. Jul 6 vs 13, 2016

== Long-term Agenda ==

   A. Ontology Competition 2016
      * [action] [MK] describe ideas on the competition
       ** noted on Mar 02, 2016, originally for ISAO by May 2016
       ** no deadline set wrt an independent competition

[1] ISAO 2016 - Speakers, Courses, and Events

[2] Education Committee Wiki

== Call Details (summary) ==

* Date:        Wed 2016.06.01
* Start Time:  07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
                11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST  (cf. [A] for local times)

* Duration:    ~1.5 Hours

* Dial-in with PIN: 843758#             (cf. instructions at [B])
   ** Skype:          join.conference
   ** or, Phone (US): +1 (425) 440-5100 or +1 (315) 401-3279

* in-session chat:

== Participants ==

  AH  Amanda Hicks        (? due to short notice)
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  AW  Andrea Westerinen   (? due to short notice)
  ZW  Zena Wood

long-term unavailability:
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
      -> cannot join Wed 15:00 UTC in Mar-Jun 2016 [email Feb 03, 2016]

== References ==

[A] local meeting date and time(s)

[B] message with instructions on how to join (at it's end)

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