[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting on Wed 2016.07.13: announcement

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jul 12 23:46:04 CEST 2016

Dear Education Committee members,

as decided in the last regular committee meeting on Jun 1, 2016 [A], our 
next call will take place tomorrow, irregularly on the 2nd Wednesday of 
this month, due to FOIS 2016 during last week:

   --> Meeting n.10                 Wed, Jul 13, 2016
       07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
       11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST               (cf. [B])

Please note that IAOA has no longer the conference bridge service 
available that it used to have. Therefore the call will be handled as a 
Skype group call, whereas we use the usual chatroom provider.

   Skype:  https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat :  http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20160713

An agenda proposal is provided below. If you have any comments or 
questions regarding the agenda or the meeting in general, please use the 
mailing list or contact Maria and Zena directly.

Best regards,

= 10th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jul 13, 2016 =

== Agenda ==

    0. Adoption of agenda

    1. ISAO 2016 [1] and beyond
       a. participant report
       b. organizer report & lessons learned
          1: analysis of low number of participants
          2: make Pub Quiz available?
       c. conservation of website/core information
       d. lead on/initiation of next ISAO: EduC vs EC?

    2. 2nd IAOA General Assembly 2016 [2]: feedback to EduC
       a. let ISAO run annually? (N. Guarino)
       b. wiki visibility
       c. call for ontology community editing of Wikipedia pages

    3. future projects of Education Committee
       a. ontology competition

  ? 4. Education Committee Wiki [3]
       a. addition of definitions

    5. AOB
       a. [iaoa-education] archive: private or public?

    6. Next meeting(s)
       a. no August meeting?
       b. Wed, Sep 7, 2016

== Long-term Agenda ==

   A. Ontology Competition 2016
      * [action] [MK] describe ideas on the competition
       ** noted on Mar 02, 2016, originally for ISAO by May 2016
       ** no deadline set wrt an independent competition

[1] ISAO 2016 website

[2] General Assembly slide set (file: sld-assembly-2016-07-08_1800.pdf)

     attached to


[3] Education Committee Wiki

== Call Details (summary) ==

* Date:        Wed 2016.07.13
* Start Time:  07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
                11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST  (cf. [B] for local times)

* Duration:    ~1.0 Hours

* Dial-in via Skype:

* in-session chat:

== Participants ==

  AH  Amanda Hicks        (? due to short notice)
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
  AW  Andrea Westerinen   (? due to short notice)
  ZW  Zena Wood           (? due to short notice)

long-term unavailability:
  < none >

== References ==

[A] https://listserv.ovgu.de//pipermail/iaoa-education/2016-June/000048.html

[B] local meeting date and time(s)

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