[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting on Wed 2016.01.06: announcement (! 1h earlier !)
aehicks at ufl.edu
Mon Jan 4 16:43:38 CET 2016
Dear Frank,
Happy New Year! I¹m looking forward to the call on Wednesday.
On 1/4/16, 10:08 AM, "iaoa-education-bounces at ovgu.de on behalf of Frank
Loebe" <iaoa-education-bounces at ovgu.de on behalf of
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>Dear Education Committee members,
>Happy New Year to everyone, first of all. The next IAOA Education
>Committee call will take place on Wed, Jan 06 (apologies for the very
>short notice), and 1h earlier than recently:
> --> Meeting n.05 Wed, Jan 06, 2016
> 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET
> 13:00 BRST / 17:00 SAST (cf. [A])
> !! 1h EARLIER than the time of the last meetings !!
> Skype: join.conference PIN: 843758#
> Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20160106
>Please find below an agenda proposal, followed by the specific call
>details. At the end there are slightly more detailed instructions on how
>to join the conference call.
>If you have any comments or questions regarding the agenda or the
>meeting in general, or on the shift of the starting time in particular,
>please use the mailing list or contact Maria and Zena directly.
>Best regards,
>= 5th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on Education - Jan 06, 2016 =
>== Agenda ==
> 0. Adoption of agenda
>! 1. Summer School 2016
> a. EC meeting: ISOA as new acronym & URL changes [FL,ZW]
> b. any further updates? (e.g. on website [1], call preparation)
>? c. continue discussion on facilitators/course setup
> 2. Ontology Competition 2016
> a. updates?
>? b. open n.04-item: summary on FOIS competition [FL]
> 3. Education Committee Wiki
> a. email to Ontolog that asks for term definitions [SL]
> b. setup of term-specific wiki pages [SL,AH]
> c. link to join the mailing list: added on [2] [MK]
> 4. Education Committee Members and listings
> (on relationship between:
> * set of [iaoa-education] mailing list members
> * wiki list on [3]
> * any "official" list of members?)
> 5. AOB
> 6. Next meeting
>[1] ISOA test page, URL not to be used "officially" (likely to change)
> http://isc2016.inf.unibz.it
>[2] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.HowToJoin
>[3] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.TCEduMatters
>== Call Details (summary) ==
>* Date: Wed 2016.01.06
>* Start Time: 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET
> 13:00 BRST / 17:00 SAST (cf. [A] for local times)
>* Duration: ~1.5 Hours
>* Dial-in with PIN: 843758#
> ** Skype: join.conference
> ** or, Phone (US): +1 (425) 440-5100 or +1 (315) 401-3279
>* in-session chat:
> http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20160106
>== Members ==
> VC Vinay Chaudhri
> AH Amanda Hicks
> MK Maria Keet
> FL Frank Loebe
> SL Sandra Lovrencic
> AW Andrea Westerinen
> ZW Zena Wood
>== References ==
>== Instructions for dial-in and during the session ==
>For Education Committee meetings we use the conference bridge service
>available to IAOA, which for participants basically means to make a
>(free) Skype call to a specific Skype contact and enter a PIN number in
>order to join the respective conference call (U.S. landline numbers are
>available as an alternative to Skype, but may be charged).
>In addition, we use a free and public chatroom during the session as a
>second communication channel, where notes can be taken visibly for
>everyone and questions or comments may be stated in parallel to the oral
>=== Dial-in ===
>* via phone (US numbers only):
> ** main nbr: +1 (425) 440-5100 ... (long distance cost may apply)
> ** backup nbr: +1 (315) 401-3279
> ** when prompted enter Conference ID: 843758#
>* via Skype: join.conference
> (i.e. make a skype call to the contact with skypeID="join.conference")
> ** generally free-of-charge, when connecting from your computer
> ** when prompted enter Conference ID: 843758#
> ** Unfamiliar with how to do this on Skype?
> Add the contact "join.conference" to your skype contact list
> first. To participate in the teleconference, make a Skype call to
> "join.conference", then open the dial pad (see the subsequent
> platform-specific instructions) and enter the
> Conference ID: 843758# when prompted.
> ** Can't find Skype Dial pad? ...
> *** for Windows Skype users:
> it's under the "Call" dropdown menu as "Show Dial pad"
> *** for Linux Skype users: please note that the dial-pad is only
> available on v4.1 (or later; or on the earlier Skype versions
> 2.x,) if the dialpad button is not shown in the call window you
> need to press the "d" hotkey to enable it.
> *** In some cases, simply typing the number on your keyboard or
> number pad may work, as well.
>* In-session chat-room url and instructions:
> http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_<DATE>
> (see meeting-specific call details above for the date placeholder)
> ** Once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button,
> and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field from "anonymous"
> to your real name, like "JaneDoe").
> ** You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by
> clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call
> on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the
> bottom of the screen.
> ** You can also use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this
> chatroom. Just add the room as a buddy - (in our case here)
> iaoa_edu_<DATE>@soaphub.org ... (handy for mobile devices!)
>=== During the session ===
>* To un-mute, press "*7" ... To mute, press "*6"
> (please mute your phone if you are in a noisy surrounding or if you
> are introducing noise, echoes, etc. into the conference line.)
>* If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make while
> another person speaks, please raise your hand (virtually) by clicking
> on the "hand button" (lower right) on the chat session page. You may
> speak when acknowledged by the session moderator (possibly you need
> to press "*7" on your phone to un-mute). (Please remember to click on
> the "hand button" again (to lower your hand) and possibly press "*6"
> on your phone to mute yourself after you are done with speaking.)
>To Post: mailto:iaoa-education at ovgu.de
>Msg Archives: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-education/
>List Info: https://listserv.ovgu.de/mailman/listinfo/iaoa-education/
>Comm. Wiki: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/
>IAOA website: http://iaoa.org
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