[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee n.06 - Wed 2016.02.03: Minutes

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Feb 3 23:11:59 CET 2016


please find below a weakly edited version of the session transcript of 
the Education Committee meeting n.06, held on Wed, Feb 03, 2016.

I'm sorry that I do not provide a better edited, summarizing and 
readable version.

Best regards,

= 6th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on Education - Feb 03, 2016 =

== Call Details (summary) ==

* Date:        Wed 2016.02.03
* Start Time:  07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET
                13:00 BRST / 17:00 SAST  (cf. [A] for local times)

* Duration:    ~1.5 Hours

* Dial-in with PIN: 843758#             (cf. instructions at [B])
   ** Skype:          join.conference
   ** or, Phone (US): +1 (425) 440-5100 or +1 (315) 401-3279

* in-session chat:

-- edited public session transcript as of Feb 03, 2016 --

[15:53] MariaKeet: = 6th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Committee on 
Education - Feb 03, 2016 =

== Agenda ==

   0. Adoption of agenda

! 1. ISAO 2016
      a. latest actions
         1: acronym and name fixed
         2: dates fixed
         3: website initially prepared & URL [1] fixed
      b. organization schedule                              [MK]
      c. call preparation
?    d. continue discussion on facilitators/course setup
      e. anything else related?

   2. Ontology Competition 2016
      a. schedule wrt potential part at ISAO

   3. Education Committee Wiki [2]
      a. email to Ontolog that asks for term definitions    [SL]
      b. setup of term-specific wiki pages                  [SL,AH]

   4. Education Committee administration
      a. members - relationship between:
         * set of [iaoa-education] mailing list members
         * wiki list on [3]
         * any "official" list of members?
      b. decision making in the Committee

   5. AOB

   6. Next meeting

[1] ISAO 2016 - official website

[2] Education Committee Wiki

[3] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.TCEduMatters

[16:07] FrankLoebe: < session starts, scribe: FL >

[16:07] FrankLoebe: .
== 0. Adoption of agenda ==

[16:08] FrankLoebe: OK: detailed discussion on local aspects and budget 

[16:08] FrankLoebe: ^ for ISAO

[16:09] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. ISAO 2016 ==
      a. latest actions
         1: acronym and name fixed
         2: dates fixed
         3: website initially prepared & URL [1] fixed
      b. organization schedule                              [MK]
      c. call preparation
?    d. continue discussion on facilitators/course setup
      e. anything else related?

[16:09] FrankLoebe: MK: ISAO = Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology

[16:09] MariaKeet: [[ URL to icloud document removed -> ask MK, OK or FL ]]

[16:10] FrankLoebe: MK: main item is inviting speakers

[16:12] FrankLoebe: OK: on the schedule: EURAC provides hosting for us 
in Bolzano, too; on Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri; we have to change for Wednesday

[16:12] FrankLoebe: OK: Wed afternoon could be used for a social event, 
be free of lectures

[16:13] FrankLoebe: MK: Can we use labs?

[16:13] FrankLoebe: OK: There may be an issue with exams, because rooms 
need to booked very early in advance

[16:14] FrankLoebe: OK: session rooms are reserved now, until April

[16:14] FrankLoebe: OK: we need to get the call out soon (the sooner, 
the better)

[16:14] FrankLoebe: OK: we need a program which gives at least some 

[16:15] AndreaWesterinen: Another option is an open Q&A with some of the 
speakers for a morning session, or maybe even a design session based on 
some problem.

[16:16] FrankLoebe: MK: names of speakers discussed [[removed]]

[16:17] anonymous morphed into Amanda

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: + [[removed]]

[16:19] FrankLoebe: AW: Q&A proposal: not pre-planned Q&A, but an open 
session with a moderator (I experienced this at conferences)

[16:21] FrankLoebe: MK: I've seen at other events that coming with an 
own ontology was required (e.g. at DL summer school)

[16:24] FrankLoebe: AW: Q&A proposal was more related to what to do on 
the Wednesday

[16:24] MariaKeet: names of the speakers (brainstorm list, no one asked 
yet): [[removed]]

[16:25] FrankLoebe: OK: we would have different rooms on Wednesday, thus 
it seems natural to have different program items

[16:25] MariaKeet: other events with prerequisites: LOD SS and GF SS

[16:28] FrankLoebe: OK: we need a good balance between lectures, 
break-outs, coffee breaks, and social program, e.g., not to get the 
program too dense

[16:28] FrankLoebe: OK: based on an EURAC proposal, I estimate that we 
can keep fees rather low

[16:29] FrankLoebe: OK: FOIS keynote speakers are different now 
(Mumford, Moltmann, Camara)

[16:30] FrankLoebe: MK: no one has been invited yet

[16:31] FrankLoebe: MK: we intended to have at least one female speaker

[16:32] FrankLoebe: OK: for some people offering a mini-course would be 
much easier, e.g. [[removed]]

[16:33] Oliver Kutz: http://iaoa.org/fois2016/index.php?n=Main.Workshops

[16:33] FrankLoebe: FL: we should add a sheet on the course planning to 
the schedule-containing cloud document

[16:35] FrankLoebe: OK: Onto.CoM is all about top-level ontologies this time

[16:36] FrankLoebe: OK: short tutorials on Common Logic, DOL will be at 
FOIS workshops, those would make sense for ISAO, too (even if repetitive 
for students attending both, ISAO and FOIS)

[16:37] FrankLoebe: OK: plus something on OWL

[16:38] FrankLoebe: MK: ok, this may be held by different people, but 
should have a coherent stream of its topics

[16:39] FrankLoebe: MK: general lines of topics:

[16:39] FrankLoebe: logic stream

[16:39] FrankLoebe: philosophy, including foundational ontologies

[16:40] FrankLoebe: applied stream, including linkage with conceptual 
modeling; hackathon; showcase application for onts. in an information system

[16:41] FrankLoebe: MK: there's a project in Digital Humanities of OBDA 
in Bolzano

[16:42] FrankLoebe: ^ on food production in the Roman Empire

[16:42] FrankLoebe: ^ using Object Role Modeling, then OWL

[16:43] FrankLoebe: OK: there's work on Business Process Modeling, too

[16:44] FrankLoebe: MK: [[removed]]

[16:44] FrankLoebe: ^ topic would be DL

[16:46] FrankLoebe: MK: natural language may link to philosophy stream

[16:48] FrankLoebe: OK: Stephen Mumford is well-known for several 
metaphysical topics, e.g. dispositions and causation

[16:48] FrankLoebe: AH: he recently visited Buffalo; [[...]]

[16:51] AndreaWesterinen: Sorry but I have to leave to go to another 

[16:52] FrankLoebe: FL: would we want a topic along the lines of Nicola 
Guarino's work of ontological analysis, somewhere between philosophy and 
(more formal) KR

[16:52] FrankLoebe: OK: we should ask Giancarlo and Sergio whether they 
have people in mind related to Onto.CoM

[16:55] FrankLoebe: MK: what to do as next steps: write things up in a 
structured fashion?

[16:56] FrankLoebe: FL: that's a good idea

[16:57] FrankLoebe: OK: I'll meet EURAC people on Feb 15 ... then I 
need: when are we where?

[16:59] FrankLoebe: MK: a draft until Sat/Sun this week should be 
doable, then a call could be sent on Wed, Feb 10

[17:00] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] find earlier Summer School calls and 
forward to MK

[17:00] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] draft new call, based on the former

[17:01] FrankLoebe: == 2. Ontology Competition 2016 ==
      a. schedule wrt potential part at ISAO

[17:01] FrankLoebe: < mainly needs to go to the next meeting >

[17:01] FrankLoebe: .
==   3. Education Committee Wiki [2] ==
      a. email to Ontolog that asks for term definitions    [SL]
      b. setup of term-specific wiki pages                  [SL,AH]

[17:03] FrankLoebe: < on setup of term-specific wiki pages >

[17:03] FrankLoebe: FL: the existing page with multiple terms should be 

[17:04] FrankLoebe: AH: I can work on this item, [action] shall send out 
a message on progress next week

[17:04] FrankLoebe: MK: the structuring of those pages also needs to be 
dealt with, this would also be in the hands of AH

[17:04] FrankLoebe: .
==   4. Education Committee administration ==
      a. members - relationship between:
         * set of [iaoa-education] mailing list members
         * wiki list on [3]
         * any "official" list of members?
      b. decision making in the Committee

[17:07] FrankLoebe: FL: I'm not seeking any strict policy, quorum 
regulation, etc. But I'd be interested in how to know who to ask/involve 
in important decisions. The mailing list comprises several people more 
than I'd see as actively participating, e.g., by joining the meetings 
fairly regularly. Do we have/need an "official" member's list?

[17:09] FrankLoebe: MK: decisions can be made in meetings, important 
ones should be announced in the agenda, such that people can join or 
write messages earlier

[17:11] FrankLoebe: AH: meetings should be announced at least 1 week in 
advance for that

[17:12] FrankLoebe: ^[agreement] on this approach

[17:15] FrankLoebe: FL: "active" members can be considered those who 
(more or less) regularly join the meetings or expressly declare their 
interest; wiki list on [3] can be updated with hindsight, from time to time

[17:19] FrankLoebe: .
==  6. Next meeting ==

[17:19] FrankLoebe: Mar 2, same time

[17:20] FrankLoebe: [action] MK: ask Sandra for her interest of shifting 
the EduC meeting such that she (and we all) can participate

[17:29] FrankLoebe: < session ended ca. 10 min ago >

[17:30] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
  AH  Amanda Hicks
  MK  Maria Keet
  OK  Oliver Kutz
  FL  Frank Loebe
  AW  Andrea Westerinen
  ZW  Zena Wood

[17:30] FrankLoebe: < transcript ends >

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