[iaoa-education] Clean-up for a restart of this list due to reviving Education Committee activity

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Sat Jul 18 11:57:10 CEST 2015

Dear [iaoa-education] list members,

thanks to the Education Committee Co-chairs Maria Keet [1] and Zena Wood 
[2], activity of the Education Committee is increasing, as you may have 
noted based on the message to [iaoa-member] that is forwarded below.

In this context this mailing list is going to see more activity, after a 
period of silence for more than a year. For a "clean re-start" regarding 
the set of list members, we are going to unsubscribe everyone who 
doesn't explicitly declare her/his continued interest.

   --> If you intend to stay subscribed to [iaoa-education],
       please declare your intent to Maria Keet [1] and Zena Wood [2].

Those among us who have already reacted to their initial message (the 
one forwarded below) have already been recorded and do not need to 
pursue further action.

I assume that the list members who are not newly noted by Maria and Zena 
will be unsubscribed from [iaoa-education] during the next days.

With many thanks to Maria and Zena for starting to collect (pointers to) 
educational resources in a new wiki [3] for the Committee
- to which everyone is invited to contribute -  and
looking forward to further progress in the Education Committee,

(as one of the list administrators and members)

[1] Maria Keet, homepage with email address


[2] Zena Wood, staff profile with email address


[3] Education Committee wiki


------ Forwarded Message ------
From:    Maria Keet
Sent:    2015.07.16 15:07 +0200
To:      iaoa-member, Zena Wood
Subject: [iaoa-member] IAOA Education Committee

Dear IAOA members,

We would like to invite you to join the IAOA Education Committee, which
aims to bring together IAOA members who are passionate about Education,
and facilitate the development and co-ordination of educational
resources relating to ontology and ontologies.

Over the next two years the committee will focus on three projects: the
development of a Wiki; the identification of the different ontology
courses that are currently taught within the community; and the
production of an ontology textbook.
General information about the committee's initial aims and goals can be
found at: http://www.iaoa.org/iaoaTC/TCeducation/TCeducation.php and the
beginnings of the wiki at: http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za.

We plan on having a monthly conference call as a group and individuals
within the committee possibly assigned different roles to ensure the
completion of the project.

If you are interested in joint the Education Committee or have any
questions please do not hesitate to contact us [...].
[FL: cf. [1-2] above the forward for links leading to email addresses,
      here avoided due to public archiving]

Thank you,
Zena and Maria
Co-chairs of the Education Committee

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